Euphorbia kuwaleana -
euphorbia kuwaleana

Euphorbia kuwaleana

NatureServe Explorer Species Reports — NatureServe Explorer is a source for authoritative conservation information on more than 50,000 plants, animals and ecological communtities of the U.S and Canada. NatureServe Explorer provides in-depth information on rare and endangered species, but includes common plants and animals too. NatureServe Explorer is a product of NatureServe in collaboration with the Natural Heritage Network.

ITIS Reports — ITIS (the Integrated Taxonomic Information System) is a source for authoritative taxonomic information on plants, animals, fungi, and microbes of North America and the world.

FWS Digital Media Library — The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s National Digital Library is a searchable collection of selected images, historical artifacts, audio clips, publications, and video.Euphorbia kuwaleana is a rare species of flowering plant in the euphorb family known by the common name kokomalei. It is endemic to Oahu, Hawaii, where it is known only from a four-kilometer stretch of the Waianae Range. Like other Hawaiian euphorbs, this plant is known locally as `akoko. It is a federally listed endangered species of the United States.Euphorbia kuwaleana : Source: Malpighiales of North America Update, database (version 2011) Acquired: 2011 : Notes: Updated for ITIS by the Flora of North America Expertise Network, in connection with an update for USDA PLANTS (2007-2010) Reference for: Euphorbia kuwaleana : Source: NODC Taxonomic Code, database (version 8.0) Acquired: 1996 Kew Science Plants of the World online. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Published on the internet. Accessed: 2020 Jul 14. Reference page. 2020. Euphorbia kuwaleana. Missouri Botanical Garden.

Detailed information
Full Name: `akoko (Euphorbia kuwaleana)
Where found: Wherever found
Critical Habitat:N/A
Species Group:Flowering Plants
Current listing status
Status Date Listed Lead Region Where Listed
Endangered 10/29/1991 Pacific Region (Region 1) Wherever found
  • States/US Territories in which the `akoko, Wherever found is known to or is believed to occur: Hawaii
  • US Counties in which the `akoko, Wherever found is known to or is believed to occur: View All
Federal register documents
Citation Page
09/18/2012 77 FR 57647 57862 Endangered Status for 23 Species on Oahu and Designation of Critical Habitat for 124 Species; Final Rule
08/02/2011 76 FR 46362 46594 Listing 23 Species on Oahu as Endangered and Designating Critical Habitat for 124 Species:Proposed rule.
03/16/2009 74 FR 11130 11133 Initiation of 5-Year Reviews of 103 Species in Hawaii
06/17/2003 68 FR 36399 36406 Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; final designations or nondesignations of critical habitat for 101 plant species from the island of Oahu, HI; final rule (10 of 10)
06/17/2003 68 FR 36099 36148 Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; final designations or nondesignations of critical habitat for 101 plant species from the island of Oahu, HI; final rule (4 of 10)
06/17/2003 68 FR 36049 36098 Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; final designations or nondesignations of critical habitat for 101 plant species from the island of Oahu, HI; final rule (3 of 10)
06/17/2003 68 FR 36299 36348 Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; final designations or nondesignations of critical habitat for 101 plant species from the island of Oahu, HI; final rule (8 of 10)
06/17/2003 68 FR 35999 36048 Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; final designations or nondesignations of critical habitat for 101 plant species from the island of Oahu, HI; final rule (2 of 10)
06/17/2003 68 FR 36149 36198 Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; final designations or nondesignations of critical habitat for 101 plant species from the island of Oahu, HI; final rule (5 of 10)
06/17/2003 68 FR 36199 36248 Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; final designations or nondesignations of critical habitat for 101 plant species from the island of Oahu, HI; final rule (6 of 10)
To learn more about critical habitat please see
Plan Action Status
Plan Status
08/10/1998 Recovery Plan for Oahu Plants View Implementation Progress Final
Plan Action Status
Plan Status
08/10/1998 Recovery Plan for Oahu Plants View Implementation Progress Final
Citation Page
Document Type
03/16/2009 74 FR 11130 11133 Initiation of 5-Year Reviews of 103 Species in Hawaii
  • Notice 5-year Review, Initiation
12/26/2002 67 FR 78763 78765 Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; designations of critical habitat for plant species from the island of oahu, hawaii; extension of comment period and notice of availability of draft economic analysis
  • Notice Doc. Availability
08/02/2011 Chamaesyce kuwaleana (¿akoko) 5-Year Review
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