Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) tshawytscha - Earth.com
Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) tshawytscha

Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) tshawytscha

Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) tshawytscha NatureServe Explorer Species Reports — NatureServe Explorer is a source for authoritative conservation information on more than 50,000 plants, animals and ecological communtities of the U.S and Canada. NatureServe Explorer provides in-depth information on rare and endangered species, but includes common plants and animals too. NatureServe Explorer is a product of NatureServe in collaboration with the Natural Heritage Network.

ITIS Reports — Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) tshawytscha ITIS (the Integrated Taxonomic Information System) is a source for authoritative taxonomic information on plants, animals, fungi, and microbes of North America and the world.

FWS Digital Media Library — The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s National Digital Library is a searchable collection of selected images, historical artifacts, audio clips, publications, and video. The Chinook salmon /ʃɪˈnʊk/ (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) is the largest species of Pacific salmon as well as the largest in the genus Oncorhynchus. Its common name is derived from the Chinookan peoples. Other vernacular names for the species include king salmon, Quinnat salmon, spring salmon, chrome hog, Blackmouth, and Tyee salmon. The scientific species name is based on the Russian common name chavycha (чавыча). Chinook are anadromous fish native to the North Pacific Ocean and the river systems of western North America, ranging from California to Alaska, as well as Asian rivers ranging from northern Japan to the Palyavaam River in the Arctic northeast Siberia. They have been introduced to other parts of the world, including New Zealand, thriving in Lake Michigan Great Lakes of North America and Michigan’s western rivers, and Patagonia

Detailed information
Full Name: Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha)
Where found: California Coastal ESU - See 50 CFR 223.102
Critical Habitat:N/A
Species Group:Fishes
Current listing status
Status Date Listed Lead Region Where Listed
Endangered 08/02/1999 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) Upper Columbia River spring-run ESU — See 50 CFR 224.101
Endangered 04/06/1990 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) Sacramento River winter-run ESU - See 50 CFR 224.101
Threatened 12/29/1999 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) Central Valley spring-run ESU — See 50 CFR 223.102
Threatened 08/02/1999 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) Upper Willamette River ESU — See 50 CFR 223.102
Threatened 08/02/1999 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) Lower Columbia River ESU — See 50 CFR 223.102
Threatened 04/22/1992 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) Snake River spring/summer-run ESU — See 50 CFR 223.102
Threatened 04/22/1992 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) Snake River fall-run ESU — See 50 CFR 223.102
Threatened 08/02/1999 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) Puget Sound ESU — See 50 CFR 223.102
Threatened 12/29/1999 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) California Coastal ESU - See 50 CFR 223.102
  • Population location: Upper Columbia River spring-run ESU — See 50 CFR 224.101Listing status: Endangered
    • States/US Territories in which this population is known to or is believed to occur: Washington
    • US Counties in which this population is known to or is believed to occur: View All
    • USFWS Refuges in which this population is known to occur: Hanford Reach National Monument/Saddle Mountain National Wildlife Refuge, Julia Butler Hansen Refuge for the Columbian White-Tailed Deer, Lewis and Clark National Wildlife Refuge, Mcnary National Wildlife Refuge, Umatilla National Wildlife Refuge
  • Population location: Sacramento River winter-run ESU - See 50 CFR 224.101Listing status: Endangered
    • USFWS Refuges in which this population is known to occur: North Central Valley Wildlife Management Area, Sacramento River National Wildlife Refuge, San Joaquin River National Wildlife Refuge
  • Population location: Central Valley spring-run ESU — See 50 CFR 223.102Listing status: Threatened
    • USFWS Refuges in which this population is known to occur: Butte Sink Wildlife Management Area, North Central Valley Wildlife Management Area, Sacramento River National Wildlife Refuge, Sutter National Wildlife Refuge
  • Population location: Upper Willamette River ESU — See 50 CFR 223.102Listing status: Threatened
    • States/US Territories in which this population is known to or is believed to occur: Oregon
    • US Counties in which this population is known to or is believed to occur: View All
    • USFWS Refuges in which this population is known to occur: Julia Butler Hansen Refuge for the Columbian White-Tailed Deer, Lewis and Clark National Wildlife Refuge, William L. Finley National Wildlife Refuge
  • Population location: Lower Columbia River ESU — See 50 CFR 223.102Listing status: Threatened
    • States/US Territories in which this population is known to or is believed to occur: Oregon , Washington
    • US Counties in which this population is known to or is believed to occur: View All
    • USFWS Refuges in which this population is known to occur: Julia Butler Hansen Refuge for the Columbian White-Tailed Deer, Lewis and Clark National Wildlife Refuge, Pierce National Wildlife Refuge, Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge, Steigerwald Lake National Wildlife Refuge
  • Population location: Snake River spring/summer-run ESU — See 50 CFR 223.102Listing status: Threatened
    • States/US Territories in which this population is known to or is believed to occur: Oregon , Washington
    • US Counties in which this population is known to or is believed to occur: View All
    • USFWS Refuges in which this population is known to occur: Julia Butler Hansen Refuge for the Columbian White-Tailed Deer, Lewis and Clark National Wildlife Refuge, Mcnary National Wildlife Refuge, Umatilla National Wildlife Refuge
  • Population location: Snake River fall-run ESU — See 50 CFR 223.102Listing status: Threatened
    • States/US Territories in which this population is known to or is believed to occur: Oregon , Washington
    • US Counties in which this population is known to or is believed to occur: View All
    • USFWS Refuges in which this population is known to occur: Julia Butler Hansen Refuge for the Columbian White-Tailed Deer, Lewis and Clark National Wildlife Refuge, Mcnary National Wildlife Refuge, Umatilla National Wildlife Refuge
  • Population location: Puget Sound ESU — See 50 CFR 223.102Listing status: Threatened
    • States/US Territories in which this population is known to or is believed to occur: Washington
    • US Counties in which this population is known to or is believed to occur: View All
    • USFWS Refuges in which this population is known to occur: Billy Frank Jr. Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge
  • Population location: California Coastal ESU - See 50 CFR 223.102Listing status: Threatened
    • States/US Territories in which this population is known to or is believed to occur: California
    • US Counties in which this population is known to or is believed to occur: View All
    • USFWS Refuges in which this population is known to occur: Castle Rock National Wildlife Refuge, Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge
No recovery information is available for the Chinook salmon.
Citation Page
Document Type
09/02/2005 70 FR 52488 52627 Designation of Critical Habitat for Seven Evolutionarily Significant Units of Pacific Salmon and Steelhead in California Final Rule Final designated
02/16/2000 65 FR 7764 7787 (NOAA/NMFS) Designated Critical Habitat: Critical Habitat for 19 Evolutionarily Significant Units of Salmon and Steelhead in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and California Final Rule Final designated
10/25/1999 64 FR 57399 57403 Designated Critical Habitat: Revision of Critical Habitat for Snake River Spring/Summer Chinook Salmon Final Rule Final designated
03/23/1999 64 FR 14052 14077 (NOAA/NMFS) Endangered and Threatened Species; Regulations Consolidation; Final Rule Final Rule Final designated
12/28/1993 58 FR 68543 68554 Designated Critical Habitat; Snake River Sockeye Salmon, Snake River Spring/Summer Chinook Salmon, and Snake River Fall Chinook Salmon Final Rule Not Required
06/16/1993 58 FR 33212 33219 Designated Critical Habitat; Sacramento River Winter-Run Chinook Salmon Final Rule Not Required
12/02/1992 57 FR 57051 57056 (NOAA/NMFS) Designated Critical Habitat; Snake River Sockeye Salmon, Snake River Spring/Summer Chinook Salmon and Snake River Fall Chinook Salmon Proposed Rule Not Required
10/15/1991 56 FR 51684 51686 ETWP; Critical Habitat Designation for Snake River Sockeye, Spring/Summer Chinook, and Fall Chinook Salmon; 56 FR 51684 51686 Final Rule Not Required
04/02/1990 55 FR 12191 12193 (Emergency) Species; Critical Habitat; Winter-run Chinook Salmon; 55 FR 12191 12193 Emergency Rule (temporary for 240 days) Not Required
08/04/1989 54 FR 32085 32088 ETWP; Endangered and Threatened Species; Critical Habitat; Winter-run Chinook Salmon; 54 FR 32085 32088 Emergency Rule (temporary for 240 days) Not Required
Citation Page
07/10/2000 65 FR 42422 42481 Endangered and Threatened Species; Final Rule Governing Take of 14 Threatened Salmon and Steelhead Evolutionarily Significant Units (ESUs)
01/03/2000 65 FR 170 196 Proposed Rule Governing Take of Seven Threatened Evolutionarily Significant Units (ESUs); Proposed Rule
Citation Page
Document Type
09/02/2005 70 FR 52488 52627 Designation of Critical Habitat for Seven Evolutionarily Significant Units of Pacific Salmon and Steelhead in California Final Rule Final designated
02/16/2000 65 FR 7764 7787 (NOAA/NMFS) Designated Critical Habitat: Critical Habitat for 19 Evolutionarily Significant Units of Salmon and Steelhead in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and California Final Rule Final designated
10/25/1999 64 FR 57399 57403 Designated Critical Habitat: Revision of Critical Habitat for Snake River Spring/Summer Chinook Salmon Final Rule Final designated
03/23/1999 64 FR 14052 14077 (NOAA/NMFS) Endangered and Threatened Species; Regulations Consolidation; Final Rule Final Rule Final designated
12/28/1993 58 FR 68543 68554 Designated Critical Habitat; Snake River Sockeye Salmon, Snake River Spring/Summer Chinook Salmon, and Snake River Fall Chinook Salmon Final Rule Not Required
06/16/1993 58 FR 33212 33219 Designated Critical Habitat; Sacramento River Winter-Run Chinook Salmon Final Rule Not Required
12/02/1992 57 FR 57051 57056 (NOAA/NMFS) Designated Critical Habitat; Snake River Sockeye Salmon, Snake River Spring/Summer Chinook Salmon and Snake River Fall Chinook Salmon Proposed Rule Not Required
10/15/1991 56 FR 51684 51686 ETWP; Critical Habitat Designation for Snake River Sockeye, Spring/Summer Chinook, and Fall Chinook Salmon; 56 FR 51684 51686 Final Rule Not Required
04/02/1990 55 FR 12191 12193 (Emergency) Species; Critical Habitat; Winter-run Chinook Salmon; 55 FR 12191 12193 Emergency Rule (temporary for 240 days) Not Required
08/04/1989 54 FR 32085 32088 ETWP; Endangered and Threatened Species; Critical Habitat; Winter-run Chinook Salmon; 54 FR 32085 32088 Emergency Rule (temporary for 240 days) Not Required
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