Detecting asteroids and debris in space -

Detecting asteroids and debris in space


Detecting asteroids and debris in space Today’s Video of the Day from the European Space Agency (ESA) describes how experts monitor debris and asteroids in space.

The Flyeye telescope was developed to scan the sky and split it into 16 smaller images to get a better view of asteroids. The technology allows scientists to examine the composition and orbit of a space rock to determine if it poses a threat to the Earth.

Since 1957, debris has been accumulating in space in the form of leftover rocket parts and abandoned satellites. The ESA’s Space Debris Office is constantly monitoring these objects to keep them from colliding with a spacecraft. In the first, NASA is directed to lead a new effort to enhance the nation’s capabilities for detecting, tracking and characterizing near-Earth asteroids to “reduce current levels of uncertainty and aid in more accurate modeling and more effective decision-making,” the document states. As seen above the Detecting asteroids and debris in space show multipe rocks and debris.

In the third objective, NASA is asked to come up with new ways to deflect an asteroid heading toward Earth. If engineers can figure out how to mine water from these space rocks, they could produce a source of ready fuel in space that would allow spacecraft designers to build refuelable models for the next generation of satellites

By Chrissy Sexton, Staff Writer

Video Credit: European Space Agency

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