Exercise effects vary based on time of day - Earth.com

Exercise effects vary based on time of day


Today’s Video of the Day from the University of Copenhahen reveals that the effects of exercise may vary depending on the time of day.

Using a mouse model, the researchers demonstrated that exercise in the morning produces an increased metabolic response in skeletal muscle, while exercise later in the day increases energy expenditure for a longer period of time.

“There appears to be rather significant differences between the effect of exercise performed in the morning and evening, and these differences are probably controlled by the body’s circadian clock,” explained study co-author Professor Jonas Thue Treebak.

“Morning exercise initiates gene programs in the muscle cells, making them more effective and better capable of metabolising sugar and fat. Evening exercise, on the other hand, increases whole body energy expenditure for an extended period of time.”

By Chrissy Sexton, Earth.com Staff Writer

Video Credit: University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

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