Lightning is even more intense on other planets -

Lightning is even more intense on other planets


Lightning is even more intense on other planets Today’s Video of the Day from NASA Science News explores what lightning may be like on other planets beyond the Earth.

In 1979, Voyager 1 flew by Jupiter and captured areas nearly as big as the United States illuminated by lightning.
In addition, lightning flashes have been observed on Jupiter that were ten times as powerful as any ever documented on Earth.

Lightning has also been detected on Saturn through radio signals picked up by Voyager. During the stronger storms, the lightning on Saturn was found to occur as often as ten times per second. Jupiter is very strong and a so-called surface of liquid metallic hydrogen, a bolt on Jupiter is said to be 100 times stronger and the powerful lightning occurring on Jupiter has caused chemical changes.

Titan might have lightning and there are electrical discharges between Jupiter and the Moon. Therefore  some 124 light-years away. Scientists detected a surge of radio waves from the planet several years ago. Those waves could be caused by a barrage of lightning striking 530 times as often per square kilometer (0.4 square mile) as storms do in the United States.   ButVenus is the hottest planet in our solar system, roasting at about 900 degrees Fahrenheit (480 degrees Celsius) under a suffocating blanket of sulfuric acid clouds and a crushing atmosphere. Add to that the fact that Venus has lightning. Lightning is even more intense on other planets

Scientists are looking into the possibility of lightning on other planets as well, including Venus and Mars.

By Chrissy Sexton, Staff Writer

Video Credit: NASA Science News

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