Common planigale

(Planigale maculata)



Planigale maculata is a predatory marsupial from the genus of flathead pouch mice ( Planigale ) that occurs in North and East Australia.This species lives in sedge - and bush landscapes and sand dunes in the Kimberley and the north of the Northern Territory,including the Groote Eylandt,and in forests along the east coast from the tip of Cape York to the river Hunter in New South Wales.This species is seen as the closest relative of the New Guinean Planigale novaeguineae,but is genetically possible more closely related to the thick-tailed malfoot mouse ( Sminthopsis crassicaudata ) and to an unspecified species from the Pilbara (" Planigale 1").There are strong differences between the populations and it is possible that the western populations form a separate species,P.sinualis (Thomas,1926).P.maculata is a large flat-headed pouch mouse with a not too flattened head.The top of the body is reddish-brown,sometimes with pale spots,the bottom yellow-gray.The thin tail is shorter than the head-body length.The head-body length is 70 to 95 mm,the tail length 60 to 90 mm and the weight 6 to 12 g.This species is active at night,lives on the ground and eats invertebrates.In the Northern Territory,8 to 12 pups per litter are born and births can take place throughout the year.In the east only 5 to 10 young are born and only from October to January.Females can receive at least two nests per year.Males can still mate until they are at least two years old.

Taxonomic tree:

Kingdom: Animalia
Class: Mammalia
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