Wedge-tailed shearwater

(Puffinus pacificus)


The Pacific Shearwater is one of the largest tropical shearwaters.There are two morphs of color na species,escuru and clear.The clear mormo predominates in the North Paci fi c,and l'escuru n the restu of populations.Sicasi dambos morfos coesisten in toles populations and nun ta rellacionáu col sexu or reproductive condition.The clear morph has the plumage of its lower parts of pardu-buxu color and lower ablancazáu.Nel morfo escuru'l pardu buxu estender by tol cuerpu.Have the wedge-shaped tail,the picu escuru,and give them cream.This species is closely related to dorsigripal pardela tail,of panpacific distribution,of which it shows a color pattern,but which also has a wedge-shaped tail and a narrow black picu (Austin,1996;Austin et al.,2004).They are part of the group Thyellodroma,a superspecies of large shearwaters,which is proposed as Ardenna xéneru (Penhallurick & Wink,2004).

Taxonomic tree:

Kingdom: Animalia
Class: Aves
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