Etheostoma spilotum -
etheostoma spilotum

Etheostoma spilotum

NatureServe Explorer Species Reports — NatureServe Explorer is a source for authoritative conservation information on more than 50,000 plants, animals and ecological communtities of the U.S and Canada. NatureServe Explorer provides in-depth information on rare and endangered species, but includes common plants and animals too. NatureServe Explorer is a product of NatureServe in collaboration with the Natural Heritage Network.

FWS Digital Media Library — The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s National Digital Library is a searchable collection of selected images, historical artifacts, audio clips, publications, and video.

Detailed information
Full Name: Kentucky arrow Darter (Etheostoma spilotum)
Where found: Wherever found
Critical Habitat:N/A
Species Group:Fishes
Current listing status
Status Date Listed Lead Region Where Listed
Threatened 11/04/2016 Southeast Region (Region 4) Wherever found
Federal register documents
Citation Page
10/05/2016 81 FR 69312 69363 Designation of Critical Habitat for Kentucky Arrow Darter; Final Rule
10/05/2016 81 FR 68963 68985 Threatened Species Status for Kentucky Arrow Darter With 4(d) Rule; Final rule.
10/08/2015 80 FR 61029 61081 Designation of Critical Habitat for Kentucky Arrow Darter; Proposed Rule
10/08/2015 80 FR 60961 60988 Threatened Species Status for Kentucky Arrow Darter With 4(d) Rule; Proposed Rule
12/05/2014 79 FR 72449 72497 Review of Native Species That Are Candidates for Listing as Endangered or Threatened; Annual Notice of Findings on Resubmitted Petitions; Annual Description of Progress on Listing Actions
11/22/2013 77 FR 70103 70162 Review of Native Species That are Candidates for Listing as Endangered or Threatened; Annual Notice of Findings on Resubmitted Petitions; Annual Description of Progress on Listing Actions
11/21/2012 77 FR 69993 70060 Review of Native Species That Are Candidates for Listing as Endangered or Threatened; Annual Notice of Findings on Resubmitted Petitions; Annual Description of Progress on Listing Actions
10/26/2011 76 FR 66370 66439 Review of Native Species That Are Candidates for Listing as Endangered or Threatened; Annual Notice of Findings on Resubmitted Petitions; Annual Description of Progress on Listing Actions
11/10/2010 75 FR 69222 69294 Review of Native Species That Are Candidates for Listing as Endangered or Threatened; Annual Notice of Findings on Resubmitted Petitions; Annual Description of Progress on Listing Actions; Proposed Rule

No recovery information is available for the Kentucky arrow Darter.

Citation Page
Document Type
10/05/2016 81 FR 69312 69363 Designation of Critical Habitat for Kentucky Arrow Darter; Final Rule Final Rule Final designated
10/08/2015 80 FR 61029 61081 Designation of Critical Habitat for Kentucky Arrow Darter; Proposed Rule Proposed Rule Not Required
Citation Page
10/08/2015 80 FR 60961 60988 Threatened Species Status for Kentucky Arrow Darter With 4(d) Rule; Proposed Rule
Citation Page
Document Type
10/05/2016 81 FR 69312 69363 Designation of Critical Habitat for Kentucky Arrow Darter; Final Rule Final Rule Final designated
10/08/2015 80 FR 61029 61081 Designation of Critical Habitat for Kentucky Arrow Darter; Proposed Rule Proposed Rule Not Required
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