Wind farm benefits & hazards analyzed by researchers

Wind farm benefits & hazards analyzed by researchers

Wind farm benefits & hazards were analyzed by recent report out by The Scientific Alliance at the UK’s Adam Smith Institute.

Since their inception and throughout their implementation, wind farms have courted controversy. Supporters praise wind turbines as a useful source of clean energy, while critics find them to be an inefficient eyesore.

On the bright side, wind power can provide a domestic source of clean energy. Unlike power plants that rely on fossil fuels, wind energy doesn’t pollute the environment and provides the world with a more self-sufficient energy source.

Wind turbines are especially effective in rural areas, where farmers can continue to work their land after installing wind turbines to generate additional income from their existing property. But while wind energy is the lowest-priced renewable energy technology available, even its most enthusiastic supporters concede it’s still tough to compete with conventional energy sources on a cost level.

The recent report from The Scientific Alliance blasted wind energy as overhyped and inefficient, arguing wind turbines do in fact pollute communities – with noise. Depending on the volume of turbines in one particular area, the whipping noise can be a nuisance to neighbors.

The report also argues a single turbine can kill over 100 birds per year. Moreover, critics suggest that wind turbines generate energy at the wrong times, being active during warm weather when energy is less needed, and lying dormant in the winter when demand is higher.

The latter argument is shaky at best, especially depending on geographical location. While the issue of wind farm benefits continues to be politicized, it’s clear that imperfect wind turbines do offer a low-cost, clean energy source.

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