Dramatic deforestation in Rio Branco - Earth.com

Dramatic deforestation in Rio Branco


Today’s Video of the Day comes thanks to the European Space Agency and illustrates the dramatic deforestation that has taken place in the Brazilian city of Rio Branco over the last 30 years.

The clip compares an image taken in 1985 by the Landsat-5 satellite with an image taken over the same area in 2016 by the Copernicus Sentinel-2 satellite. The area, primarily consisting of rainforest, has been significantly reduced due to logging, farming, and other industrial practices.

Such levels of deforestation pose a substantial threat to the plants and animals who call that rainforest home. More than one third of all species on the planet live in the Amazon Rainforest.

By Rory Arnold, Earth.com Staff Writer

Source: ESA

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