Earth From Space: Rub’ al Khali Desert Earth from Space is presented by Kelsea Brennan-Wessels from the ESA Web-TV virtual studios. The expansive Rub’ al Khali desert on the southern Arabian Peninsula is pictured in a radar image from the Sentinel-1A satellite in the one-hundred-fourteenth edition.
As an ecoregion, the Rub’ al Khali falls within the Arabian Desert and East Saharo-Arabian xeric shrublands. The Asiatic cheetahs, once widespread in Saudi Arabia, are regionally extinct from the desert.
Lake forms in the Empty Quarter DESERT on the border between Saudi Arabia and Oman after Cyclone Shaheen (videos and pictures) Lake forms in Rub’ al Khali desert after Hurricane Shaheen strikes Oman and Saudi Arabia. Picture via Facebook video Isaiah 41:18 “ I will make rivers flow on barren heights, and springs within the valleys. Also show above in the Earth From Space: Rub’ al Khali Desert video will show the satelitte view of the large desert area and terrain.
Desertification has increased through recent millennia. Before desertification made the caravan trails leading across the Rub’ al Khali so difficult, the caravans of the frankincense trade crossed now virtually impassable stretches of wasteland, until about 300 AD.
Credit: ESA