Inside North American monsoon season -

Inside North American monsoon season


Inside North American monsoon season Today’s Video of the Day comes from NASA Goddard and features a look at the causes and effects of North American monsoon season.

Monsoon season in North America typically takes place in late summer, when warm, moist air moves up the western coast of Mexico into the southwestern United States. This typically triggers more frequent and potent thunderstorms and precipitation.

Monsoon is a weather condition that is actually defined as a season. In Arizona, monsoon storms are typically experienced during the summer. Humidity levels increase, and the season is marked by wind storms, dust storms, and periods of heavy desert rains.  Inside North American monsoon season The monsoon is a seasonal change in winds, which helps to draw moisture into the Southwest. 

What causes the NAM? The North American Monsoon (or NAM) is a shift in the wind pattern that allows for continuous moisture to flow from the Gulf of California into the normally arid southwest region of the country. Monsoons cause wet and dry seasons throughout much of the tropics. Monsoons are most often associated with the Indian Ocean . Monsoons always blow from cold to warm regions. The summer monsoon and the winter monsoon determine the climate for most of India and Southeast Asia.

Monsoons are strong, often violent winds that change direction with the season. Monsoon winds blow from cold to warm regions because cold air takes up more space than warm air. So, monsoons blow from the land toward the sea in winter and from the sea toward land in the summer. However, in most of the region, it doesn’t really kick in until late June or early July.


By Rory Arnold,

Video Credit: NASA Goddard

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