Skywatching in December 2021: planets, comet, and a meteor shower -

Skywatching in December 2021: planets, comet, and a meteor shower


Today’s Video of the Day from the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory describes all of the exciting things that we can see in the night sky during the month of December 2021.

On December 6th through the 10th, look westward following sunset to see the Moon visiting Venus, Saturn, and Jupiter in turn. According to NASA, the Moon’s crescent fills out as it appears higher in the sky each evening.

A recently discovered comet known as Comet Leonard will fly by this month, making its closest approach to Earth on December 12th.

NASA reports that in the first couple of weeks of December, Comet Leonard can be found in the east before sunrise, passing between Arcturus and the handle of the Big Dipper. 

In addition, the annual Geminid meteor shower peaks overnight on the 13th and 14th. 

Video Credit: NASA JPL

By Chrissy Sexton, Staff Writer

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