The snow covered Karazhanbas oilfield in Kazakhstan -

The snow covered Karazhanbas oilfield in Kazakhstan

Today’s Image of the Day comes thanks to the NASA Earth Observatory and features a look at the Karazhanbas oil field in the Mangystau Province of Kazakhstan. The photo was taken by the Operational Land Imager (OLI) onboard the Landsat 8 satellite.

Kazakhstan holds at least 30 billion barrels of crude oil, accounting for approximately 3% of the world’s reserves. The nation has the 2nd-most oil in Eurasia and the 12th-most in the world.

While the Karazhanbas oil field contains at least 230 million barrels of crude oil reserves, it still is not the largest oil field in Kazakhstan. That title is held by the nearby Kashagan field, which contains between 7 and 13 billion barrels.

By Rory Arnold,

Source: NASA Earth Observatory

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