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African leaders call for urgent action on malaria

Leaders and health experts across multiple African nations have raised alarm bells about the escalating malaria crisis, calling it the most severe in two decades.

In a series of urgent appeals at the United Nations General Assembly last Friday, they emphasized the dire need for immediate, decisive action to curb the spread of this deadly disease, particularly in light of new challenges.

Malaria has long been a persistent threat in Africa, claiming lives at alarming rates. The continent bears the burden of 96% of malaria-related deaths worldwide, with children under the age of five representing up to 80% of these fatalities.

Setbacks in eradication efforts

Efforts aimed at malaria treatment and eradication are facing unprecedented setbacks. A prominent one is the insufficiency of funding to combat the disease effectively. Additionally, there is a decreased effectiveness of malaria drugs, hampering treatment efforts.

A highly concerning development is the evolved resistance of mosquitoes to insecticides. This new resistance has experts urging the need to “get ahead of it before it outsmarts us.”

President Umaro Sissoco Embaló of Guinea Bissau succinctly encapsulated the urgency of the situation, stating, “We are at a critical juncture. If we don’t act swiftly…we will undoubtedly see malaria upsurges and epidemics.”

The World Health Organization‘s recent report disclosed a worrying trend: progress in combating malaria has either stalled or regressed in over 13 countries. This stagnation, coupled with the lack of access to lifesaving treatments for many, could seriously impede the goals to eliminate the disease by 2030.

Call for renewed commitment

Julio Rakotonirina, the Director of Health and Humanitarian Affairs at the African Union Commission, underscored the importance of sustained political commitment and the translation of such commitment into tangible actions. He emphasized that, given most African Union member states are currently off-track to achieve malaria elimination by 2030, extensive work remains to be done.

The current malaria crisis in Africa is at a critical crossroad, and the time to act is now. Leaders and health experts are fervently calling for comprehensive strategies and full financing to battle malaria, including addressing the new challenges that have arisen.

The insufficiency of funds, declining efficacy of drugs, and the adaptation of mosquitoes to insecticides necessitate innovative solutions and international cooperation to prevent further loss of life, especially among children.

A multifaceted approach, involving consistent political commitment, augmented funding, community engagement, and scientific innovation, is pivotal to outsmarting the disease and achieving the 2030 elimination goals. The call from African leaders is clear: the world must unite in its efforts to eliminate malaria and safeguard future generations from this ancient foe.

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