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April's full "Pink Moon" tonight signifies the reemergence of life 

Since the 1930s, the Old Farmers’ Almanac has been publishing names for the full moons, drawing from what were termed “Indian” names that have since become widely recognized and utilized.

The full moon of April, which occurs tonight, is often called the Pink Moon, a name attributed to the herb moss pink or creeping phlox – also known as moss phlox, mountain phlox, and creeping phlox – which is native to the eastern United States and one of spring’s earliest widespread flowers. 

Other names for this April moon include the “Sprouting Grass Moon,” the “Egg Moon,” and the “Fish Moon,” the latter being used by coastal tribes to mark the time when shad fish move upstream to spawn.

The return of navigable waterways

Moreover, the names “Breaking Ice Moon” (Algonquin) and “Moon When the Streams Are Again Navigable” (Dakota) capture the thawing of ice and the return of navigable waterways typical of early spring.

The “Budding Moon of Plants and Shrubs” (Tlingit) and “Moon of the Red Grass Appearing” (Oglala) highlight the imminent surge in plant life as spring progresses.

The reemergence of life in April

Additional names reflect the reemergence of wildlife during this season, such as the “Moon When the Ducks Come Back” (Lakota), “Moon When the Geese Lay Eggs” (Dakota), and “Frog Moon” (Cree), each indicating the return or increased activity of these species.

Similarly, the “Sucker Moon” (Anishinaabe) marks the period for harvesting sucker fish, which migrate to streams or shallow lake areas to spawn.

According to cultural lore, during this time, the sucker fish returns from the spirit world to cleanse the waterways and the life within them.

This name is sometimes used for the February Moon as well, to honor the sucker fish’s role in sustaining the Anishinaabe people through the winter by providing a crucial food source.

Cultural observances and April’s full moon

This moon also corresponds with significant cultural and religious observances in various parts of the world. It aligns with the Jewish festival of Pesach, or Passover, which in 2024 will begin at sundown on April 22 and conclude at nightfall on April 30.

The celebration starts in the middle of the Hebrew month of Nisan, with the Seder feasts taking place on the first two nights.

In the Hindu lunisolar calendar, which varies by region, this full moon typically coincides with Hanuman Jayanti, the celebration of the birth of Lord Hanuman.

For Buddhists in Sri Lanka, this full moon is known as Bak Poya and commemorates the Buddha’s visit to Sri Lanka, where he averted a war by settling a dispute between chiefs.

This lunar event falls near the middle of Shawwāl, the tenth month of the Islamic calendar, and during the third month of the Chinese Year of the Dragon.

In light of these diverse celebrations, people all over the world  are encouraged to wear festive celestial attire in honor of the full moon.

It’s a time to enjoy the burgeoning spring, acknowledge these various cultural celebrations, set an extra seat at the table in a spirit of inclusivity, and importantly, strive for peace and not war.

More about April’s full moon

April’s full moon will reach its brightest point at 7:49 P.M. on Tuesday, April 23. Astronomically, the Pink Moon signifies the time when the moon is fully illuminated by the sun as seen from Earth, appearing fully round. 

“Like Earth, the Moon has a day side and a night side, which change as the Moon rotates,” explained NASA. “The Sun always illuminates half of the Moon while the other half remains dark, but how much we are able to see of that illuminated half changes as the Moon travels through its orbit.”

The timing of the full moon varies slightly due to the lunar cycle averaging about 29.5 days. This leads to some variation in the date and time of the full moon each month. 

Astrological significance of the Pink Moon

In 2024, the Pink Moon falls on April 25th, during the sun’s transit through Taurus. This placement is quite significant astrologically for several reasons:

Taurus Sun Scorpio Moon opposition

The Pink Moon will be in the opposite sign of Scorpio, creating a full moon in Scorpio. This opposition highlights the balance between Taurus and Scorpio themes – material security and stability versus emotional depth and transformation.

It’s a potent time for delving into psychological matters, addressing issues of trust, and managing resources in relationships.

Intensity and transformation

Scorpio is a sign associated with intensity, depth, transformation, and the unseen. A full moon in Scorpio can bring to the surface deep-seated emotions and hidden truths.

This is a powerful time for healing, as it provides an opportunity to confront and release old wounds, secrets, or things that have been repressed.

Financial and emotional investments

Given Taurus’s influence on possessions and Scorpio’s on investments and shared resources, this full moon could highlight issues around finances, particularly what is owned individually versus jointly. It can prompt decisions about investments, loans, inheritances, or other financial matters.

Enhanced intuition

Scorpio’s watery, intuitive energy combined with the illuminating power of the full moon can enhance psychic abilities and deepen intuitive insights. This period may be particularly potent for those who practice divination or other metaphysical activities.

Transformation and rebirth

Scorpio is the sign of death and rebirth, so this full moon might signal a time of significant personal transformation. It can be an excellent period for ending unhealthy patterns or relationships and for beginning anew with a fresh perspective or renewed purpose.


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