Iris will improve air traffic communication -

Iris will improve air traffic communication


Iris will improve air traffic communication Today’s Video of the Day from the European Space Agency introduces Iris, which will improve the efficiency of air traffic systems in Europe by relieving pressure on busy radio frequency communication channels.

Iris will provide a secure text-based data link between pilots and air traffic control (ATC) networks using satellite technology. 

The number of flights over Europe alone are expected to rise by over 50 percent in the next 20 years, and the current systems would not be able to handle this increase. Iris aims to make aviation safer, greener and more efficient by developing a new satellite-based air–ground communication system for Air Traffic Management (ATM), in partnership with Inmarsat. Currently, aircraft are tracked by radar when over land and in coastal areas, and pilots communicate with Air Traffic Control (ATC) by voice, over radio frequency

. Iris is a Data Link Service (DLS) satellite system funded and promoted by the European Space Agency (ESA). It is based on Inmarsat SwiftBroadband-Safety technology that is already approved for Air Traffic Service. Iris aims to make aviation safer, greener and more efficient by developing a new satellite-based air–ground communication system for Air Traffic Management. 

By Chrissy Sexton, Staff Writer

Video Credit: European Space Agency

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