Monitoring Earth's surface from space -

Monitoring Earth's surface from space


Monitoring Earth’s surface from space Today’s Video of the Day from the European Space Agency describes a goal of the ESA Discovery & Preparation program to maximize the benefits of monitoring Earth’s surface from above. 

Satellite images contain data that cannot be captured from the ground. Scientists are using this data to gain a better understanding of Earth’s surface, including the land, ocean, and ice caps, in an effort to monitor the changing environment and support responses to natural disasters. The satellites not only monitor climate changes on Earth but also things like wildfires in California and tropical storms. In 2016, NASA announced its plan to launch a suite of small satellites into Earth’s orbit to study weather patterns and climate change. As seen above in video is the Monitoring Earth’s surface from space showing the benifical effects of this monitoring system they use and like to continue to discover.

NASA is well known for observating space, but the agency also has a strong hand in monitoring Earth. NASA’s Earth Observing System (EOS) is a collection of satellites designed to monitor and understand key components of the climate system and their interactions over an extended period.

Video Credit: ESA

By Chrissy Sexton, Staff Writer

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