Monitoring heatwaves and climate change with satellites -

Monitoring heatwaves and climate change with satellites


Today’s Video of the Day from the European Space Agency  describes the monitoring and tracking goals of the Climate Change Initiative, in which experts analyze changes in our oceans, land, atmosphere using satellite observations. Through this Initiative, ESA develops a suite of satellite data records of key components of the climate system, known as Essential Climate Variables (ECVs).

The Earth-observing Sentinel satellites of the Copernicus mission are particularly useful in helping us understand climate change. These satellites provide scientists with global coverage and continuous measurements.

Copernicus Sentinel-3 has an instrument that measures land surface temperatures. In the last two weeks of July 2022, the satellite measured record-breaking land surface temperatures in the UK, France, and Spain. 

“The series of heatwaves we are currently experiencing in western Europe is a clear sign of human-induced global warming,” says ESA. 

Video/ Image Credit: European Space Agency 

By Chrissy Sexton, Staff Writer

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