The Electronic Field Book will revolutionize research expeditions -

The Electronic Field Book will revolutionize research expeditions


The Electronic Field Book will revolutionize research expeditions Today’s Video of the Day from the European Space Agency introduces a new tool called the Electronic Field Book, software that was designed to help scientists overcome the challenge of poor connections in remote locations.

The device integrates data sharing, voice chat, and real-world positioning with inputs from external tools such as microscopes and spectrometers. The Electronic Field Book will revolutionize research expeditions as shown above in the video will also show the way the device works and the revolutionary difference it makes. Together, they will revolutionize the study of the most distant objects in the Universe. 

This innovative tool can record every step of a scientific research expedition while documenting all communication. Technology has forever changed the way billions travel either for pleasure or business. 

An upgraded version of the Electronic Field Book was used for the first time during the Pangaea 2018 campaign in Lanzarote, Spain. By making an electronic version of the book freely down-loadable on the net, comments have been only received from fellow Internet physicists around the world and from WWW ‘hit’ statistics it seems that the book serves as a frequently used Internet resource.

Also the electronic revolution was a global phenomenon that required recordkeepers to undertake global approaches and cooperation. And finally, recordkeeping specialists had essential knowledge and skill, but it was misapplied and they were so professionally diffuse that no-one understood what they had to offer. The recent electronic revolution has been based on semiconductors. However, the first electronic revolution was made possible by the invention of the vacuum tubes.

By Chrissy Sexton, Staff Writer

Video Credit: European Space Agency

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