The modern island-nation of Singapore -

The modern island-nation of Singapore


Today’s Video of the Day from the European Space Agency features Singapore, a city-island-nation with a total of 64 offshore islands. The port of Singapore is the largest in Southeast Asia, and is one of the busiest in the world – connecting to more than 600 ports in 123 countries.

“The Republic of Singapore is located just off the southern tip of the Malayan Peninsula, between Malaysia and Indonesia, around 135 km north of the equator. It consists of the 710 sq km Singapore Island, visible in the top-centre of the image, as well as some 60 small islets,” reports ESA.

“Nearly two-thirds of the Singapore Island is less than 15 m above sea level. The highest summit, Timah Hill, has an elevation of only 160 m. Changi Airport, one of the largest transportation hubs in Asia, can be seen at the eastern end of the island.”

The Island is separated from Peninsular Malaysia to the north by the Johore Strait, while the southern end faces the Singapore Strait. The city is among the most densely populated places in the world, and is known for its clean streets and modern buildings.

Video/ Image Credit: European Space Agency 

By Chrissy Sexton, Staff Writer

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