Understanding Earth's magnetosphere - Earth.com

Understanding Earth's magnetosphere


Understanding Earth’s magnetosphere Today’s Video of the Day from NASA Science News describes the importance of Earth’s magnetosphere, which deflects a constant flow of solar wind from the Sun.

Without the shield of the magnetosphere, our planet would be exposed to the harsh ultraviolet radiation and would not be suitable for life.

Extreme space weather can disrupt important communication networks and power grids. By understanding the magnetosphere, scientists could eventually predict the geomagnetic storms and other events that threaten Earth’s technology.

NASA’s Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission (MMS) was launched in 2015 to collect critical data for the ongoing study of the magnetosphere. Understanding Earth’s magnetosphere If Earth lost its magnetic field, there would be no magnetosphere – and no line of defense, even from weaker solar storms. Our power grids would be more vulnerable than ever, and even our computers and other electronics could suffer damage if a solar storm struck.  The magnetosphere is an earth layer formed by the interaction between the earth’s magnetism and the solar wind, the solar wind is given by the movement of the sun’s corona in its own atmosphere. It is caused by the earth’s magnetic field. Practically, all the planets that exist have a magnetosphere, only Mars and Venus do not have any.

By Chrissy Sexton, Earth.com Staff Writer

Video Credit: NASA Science News

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