Frozen Lake Puma Yumco on the Tibetan Plateau -

Frozen Lake Puma Yumco on the Tibetan Plateau

Today’s Image of the Day comes from the NASA Earth Observatory and features a look at Lake Puma Yumco on the Tibetan Plateau.

The average elevation on the plateau is well over 14,800 feet above sea level, which makes its lakes some of the highest in the world. Puma Yumco is one of its biggest lakes and is almost completely frozen due to frigid winter temperatures.

According to a recent study, the number of lakes on the Tibetan plateau has increased by 48% since the 1990s due to increased levels of precipitation.

This image was captured by the Operational Land Imager on board the Landsat 8 satellite on March 13, 2017.

By Rory Arnold, Staff Writer

Source: NASA Earth Observatory

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