Spanish flag -

The Spanish Flag is a fish species rare to the North Carolina continental shelf area. Also known as Seaperch, Spanish Flag Snapper, Stripy Snapper, Golden-banded Snapper, Stripey Seaperch, Dusky-striped Seaperch and Gold-striped Seaperch.

Fish. The Spanish flag lives in deep-reef habitats, at depths of 35-365 meters (115-2000 feet). With fluorescent pink and yellow alternating stripes, these beautiful fish resemble the flag of Spain. A red spot on their rear fin helps Spanish flags recognize other members of their species. They attain a maximum length of 30.5 centimeters (12 inches). Spanish flags usually live in pairs and are seen patrolling the reef walls, caves, and overhangs, often swimming upside down or vertically. Sharp spines in their fins and on the sides of their head protect them from larger fishes.

Islands in the Stream: May 10 – October 3, 2001

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