The Ruki River in the Democratic Republic of the Congo -

The Ruki River in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Today’s Image of the Day from NASA Earth Observatory features the Ruki River in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). It is a tributary of the Congo River, one of the largest rivers in the world by discharge and depth. 

The Ruki River, previously known as the Busira, merges with the Momboyo River near the town of Basankusu to become the Lulonga River, which eventually flows into the Congo River at the town of Lisala.

“If the appearance of the muddy Amazon River evokes a coffee cut with cream, the Ruki River, coursing gently through the Congo Basin, is like a dark tea,” said NASA.

“On its slow path through mostly untouched lowland rainforest in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the water leaches organic material from vegetation, prompting some researchers to think it is one of the darkest blackwater rivers on Earth. The dissolved material in this distinctive water, scientists are finding, offers clues into the carbon cycle of tropical forests.”

In a recent study, researchers measured the chemical composition and flow of the Ruki for the first time. 

“The study reported that, as the water color suggests, the Ruki is rich in dissolved organic carbon compounds. It contains four times as much organic carbon as the Congo River and 1.5 times as much as the Rio Negro, the world’s largest blackwater river and a major tributary of the Amazon,” said NASA.

Due to this heavy carbon load, the researchers concluded that “tropical forests like those around the Ruki might not accumulate quite as much carbon as we once thought.”

The region around the Ruki River is rich in biodiversity, hosting various species of flora and fauna. It is part of the Congo Basin, the second-largest tropical rainforest area in the world, which is a critical habitat for endangered species and a significant carbon sink.

The river is vital for the livelihoods of local communities. Fishing is a crucial activity, with many people depending on it for sustenance and income. The river also supports agriculture along its banks, where communities grow crops.

In many parts of the DRC, rivers like the Ruki are crucial transportation corridors due to the challenging and often nonexistent road infrastructure. The river enables the movement of people and goods, facilitating trade and access to markets, health care, and education.

The region faces several challenges, including deforestation, overfishing, and environmental degradation, which threaten its ecological balance and the livelihoods of people who depend on it. Efforts to manage and conserve the river’s resources are vital for sustainable development.

Understanding and protecting the Ruki River and its surroundings are crucial for the DRC’s environmental sustainability, economic development, and the well-being of its communities.

The image was captured by the OLI (Operational Land Imager) on Landsat 8.

Image Credit: NASA Earth Observatory 


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