Study: Putting your phone away makes social situations more fun -

Study: Putting your phone away makes social situations more fun


Study: Putting your phone away makes social situations more fun Today’s Video of the Day comes from the University of British Columbia and features a look at how smartphones may not always bring us closer together.

In a study involving different people at a local cafe, the researchers found that people enjoyed the experience more when they put their phones away.

The findings back previous research suggesting that people who are mindful of the present moment enjoy experiences more than people who are thinking about the past or future. This person is not on ResearchGate, or hasn’t claimed this research yet. Using a field experiment and experience sampling, we found the first evidence that phone use may undermine the enjoyment people derive from real world social interactions.

We found consistent results using experience sampling in Study 2; during in-person interactions, participants felt more distracted and reported lower enjoyment if they used their phones than if they did not. Also, consider tweaking some of your media settings to “bump up” your casual language exposure. For example, changing your Facebook and LinkedIn location and language preferences will force you to interact with the language you’re learning, even when you’re (mostly) wasting time. Study: Putting your phone away makes social situations more fun as seen above in video shows the social expierment done to determine different expiernces.

By Rory Arnold, Staff Writer

Video Credit: University of British Columbia

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