Monsoon devastates southern Indian state of Kerala -

Monsoon devastates southern Indian state of Kerala

Today’s Image of the Day from NASA Earth Observatory shows the rain that accumulated during last week’s devastating monsoon event that struck India.

The storm claimed an estimated 420 lives, displaced more than one million people, and damaged over 50,000 homes.

After torrential rain fell between August 8th and the 16th, the South Indian state of Kerala experienced its worst flooding since 1924.

Around 80 dams were opened, including the largest in Asia – the Idukki Dam – which coincided with intense rainfall and worsened the flooding. According to NASA, 35 of these dams had never been opened before.

The region experienced 164 percent more rain than normal in the first 3 weeks of August.

This data shows rainfall from July 19th to August 18th, and was captured by NASA’s Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission.

By Chrissy Sexton, Staff Writer

Image Credit: NASA Earth Observatory


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