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Male crickets cooperate to attract mates, until the competition heats up

As our understanding of the animal kingdom continues to grow, one fascinating revelation is the strategy adopted by male field crickets to attract mates. 

A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Exeter has discovered that these crickets, found commonly in the meadows of northern Spain, actually engage in a cooperative technique known as “singing overlap” to attract female attention. 

However, there’s a catch to this harmonious collaboration – when rivalry edges too close, the crooning promptly stops.

Focus of the study

Over a period of 51 days, the scientists observed more than 100 male crickets, studying their behavior through a project named “WildCrickets.” 

This expansive research project utilized a network of CCTV cameras to continuously monitor field crickets, specifically Gryllus campestris, within their natural habitat

Analyzing over a million scan samples of 129 male crickets, the scientists were able to closely examine the influences on and dynamics of the males’ singing behavior.

“Courtship displays are common in nature, but we know surprisingly little about how animals tactically adjust these in response to their environment,” said Joe Wilde, a PhD student at Exeter’s Centre for Research in Animal Behaviour. 

What the researchers learned 

The researchers noticed that when males were situated one to five meters away from a listening male, their singing seemed to have a “stimulatory effect,” inciting a symphony of chirps resonating through the meadow. This synchronized chorus, a captivating phenomenon, is believed to serve a greater purpose.

According to Wilde, “We can’t say for certain why the males tend to sing together, but a likely explanation is that females are drawn to areas with multiple males calling. By ‘chorusing’ in this way, the males all benefit.” 

This harmonious serenade is, however, not just a simple courtship display. For crickets, singing is a high-energy endeavor, and males need to make the strategic decision on when to invest their energy in singing and when to remain silent.

Territorial males 

Contrary to the harmonizing effect observed at distances greater than one meter, when a rival male chirped within the one-meter radius, it was likely to interrupt the chorus. This is possibly because the males, known for their territorial nature, would choose to confront the invaders of their personal space rather than continue with their serenades. 

“We also can’t be sure why males sing less when others chirp within one meter, but it’s likely that they choose to fight rivals that get too close to their burrow,” said Wilde.

This intriguing research, funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), provides a glimpse into the complex social and behavioral dynamics within the cricket community. 

The study further highlights the delicate interplay between cooperation and competition in the natural world. The findings are published in the revered journal Animal Behaviour

More about field crickets 

Field crickets are insects that belong to the family Gryllidae. They are known for their distinctive chirping sounds, which males produce by rubbing their forewings together to attract females. This noise-making process is known as stridulation. Field crickets are found all over the world, particularly in warmer climates.

Key characteristics 


Field crickets are generally black or dark brown in color, and their bodies are about an inch long. They have long antennae, powerful hind legs for jumping, and wings that cover their abdomen.


Crickets are usually more active at night. They are omnivorous and will consume a wide variety of foods, including plant material, smaller insects, and decaying organic material.

Life cycle

The life cycle of a field cricket typically consists of three stages: egg, nymph, and adult. After mating, the female lays her eggs in the ground. The eggs hatch into nymphs, which look like small versions of adults but without wings. They undergo a series of molts before reaching adulthood.


The chirping sounds, or “songs,” that male crickets make serve different purposes: calling songs attract females and repel other males, courtship songs are used when a female is near and encourage her to mate, and aggressive songs are used in encounters with other males.

Human interaction

In many cultures, crickets are considered good luck symbols. They are also used in pet food and human food industries. However, they can be pests in agriculture and homes, especially in large numbers, because they feed on crops and can damage household items.

Environmental indicators

Crickets are known to be sensitive to environmental changes and can serve as bioindicators. For instance, the frequency of a cricket’s chirping is related to temperature, and can therefore be used as a kind of thermometer.


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