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Scientists create "chemical cookbook" with recipes that will create life

The quest to understand the origins of life and the potential for its existence elsewhere in the universe has taken a monumental leap. A team of researchers from the University of Wisconsin–Madison, led by NASA-supported astrobiologist Betül Kaçar, has published a “chemical cookbook” that compiles hundreds of recipes with the potential to give rise to life.

The chemical cookbook of life’s origins

The study, published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society, offers a comprehensive “chemical cookbook” that details the combination of molecules — involving atoms from all groups and series across the periodic table — capable of initiating autocatalytic reactions.

These are chemical reactions that sustain themselves by producing molecules that encourage the same reaction to happen again and again.

“The origin of life really is a something-from-nothing process,” says Kaçar. “But that something can’t happen just once. Life comes down to chemistry and conditions that can generate a self-reproducing pattern of reactions.”

Focus on comproportionation reactions

One of the fascinating aspects of this research lies in the team’s focus on comproportionation reactions. In these particular types of reactions, two compounds that include the same element but in different reactive states combine to create a new compound. This new compound then has the element in a state that is between the original states.

For a chemical reaction to be autocatalytic, the outcome must also provide starting materials for the reaction to happen again. “So the output becomes a new input,” explains Zach Adam, a co-author of the study and a UW–Madison geoscientist.

This creates a self-perpetuating cycle of reactions, almost like a growing population of rabbits: a pair produces a litter, and the new rabbits grow up to create more litters, rapidly increasing the population.

Implications for the search for extraterrestrial life

This new “chemical cookbook” could significantly narrow the search for life elsewhere in the universe. By identifying the most likely conditions under which these autocatalytic reactions could occur, scientists can specify which planetary environments to focus on in their search for extraterrestrial life.

Kaçar suggests that, although we may never know exactly how life originated on Earth, experiments could be conducted under various planetary conditions to understand better how life could arise elsewhere.

“We will never definitively know what exactly happened on this planet to generate life. We don’t have a time machine,” Kaçar says. “But, in a test tube, we can create multiple planetary conditions to understand how the dynamics to sustain life can evolve in the first place.”

The future of research: MUSE consortium

Betül Kaçar leads a NASA-supported consortium called MUSE (Metal Utilization & Selection Across Eons). The lab will particularly focus on reactions involving the elements molybdenum and iron.

However, the researchers are equally enthusiastic about the potential discoveries that could come from the most peculiar and unusual parts of their new “chemical cookbook.”

In concluding her remarks, Kaçar referenced Carl Sagan: “Carl Sagan said if you want to bake a pie from scratch, first you must create the universe. I think if we want to understand the universe, first we must bake a few pies.”

As researchers continue to delve into this new compilation of chemical reactions, the answers to some of the most fundamental questions about life’s origins and its possibility elsewhere in the universe may be closer than ever before.

More about the ingredients for life as we know it

Life, as we know it on Earth, requires a specific concoction of ingredients to thrive. Understanding these components not only deepens our comprehension of life on our planet, but it also aids in our quest for extraterrestrial life. Let’s delve into the primary ingredients essential for life:


Water tops the list. Every living organism on Earth depends on water, making it a fundamental ingredient for life. It serves as a solvent, facilitating biochemical reactions, and plays a crucial role in regulating temperature.


Carbon is the backbone of organic molecules, including DNA, proteins, fats, and sugars, which are essential for life. Its unique capability to form four bonds makes it exceptionally versatile, allowing for a vast array of complex molecules.


Every organism needs a source of nutrients to fuel its activities. This includes essential elements like nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur. While plants obtain nutrients from soil and sunlight, animals derive them by consuming plants or other animals.


Life requires energy. On Earth, this energy primarily comes from the Sun. Plants capture sunlight and convert it into chemical energy through photosynthesis. Animals, in turn, consume plants or other animals to obtain this energy.


An atmosphere provides gases essential for life. Humans and many animals need oxygen, while plants require carbon dioxide for photosynthesis. The Earth’s atmosphere also offers protection from harmful solar radiation.


For biochemical reactions to occur efficiently, an optimal temperature range is crucial. On Earth, this range allows for liquid water, a vital component for life. Extremes in temperature can disrupt cellular processes.


These molecules store and transmit genetic information, guiding the growth, development, and reproduction of organisms. DNA provides the blueprint, while RNA acts as the messenger, ensuring proteins are made correctly.

Cell membranes

Life, as we understand it, is cellular. Cell membranes, composed mainly of lipids, separate the interior of the cell from the external environment, regulating the exchange of substances.

In summary, while the universe is vast and diverse, the fundamental ingredients for life remain consistent. As we search for life beyond Earth, these components serve as our guide, prompting us to explore places where they might coexist.

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