Why careful water management is crucial to life on Earth - Earth.com

Why careful water management is crucial to life on Earth


Why careful water management is crucial to life on Earth Today’s Video of the Day comes from the European Space Agency (ESA) and features a look at the importance of proper water management on Earth.

Overexploitation, pollution, and climate change are just a few of the pressures put on Earth’s water supply.

Water resource managers require sufficient tools and information to ensure the right quantity and quality of water is available for everyone. Water management helps in developing efficient irrigation practices for the betterment of agriculture in the country. Proper utilization of water in our homes too can save this precious resource. Water management teaches us to use a limited amount of water whenever required. This keeps every citizen accountable for any wastage that occurs.

As the population of the United States continues to grow in the future, water shortages will become more common, because the supply of available water remains the same. Water conservation will become more and more important as time goes on.  Why careful water management is crucial to life on Earth as shown above in the video ensures safe water.

By Rory Arnold, Earth.com Staff Writer

Video Credit: European Space Agency (ESA)

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