Scamp groupers - Scamp groupers

Scamp groupers are the second most important species of grouper in the southeast, but have been seriously depleted on Oculina Bank. Therefore These two were found amid habitat of sand and shell aggregate rock at Eau Gallie. This type of rock is unusual on the bank.

Scamp Groupers can be found as far north as Massachusetts in shallow water at jetties and mangrove areas. This species was the most abundant grouper in areas of living Oculina coral formations at depths of 70 to 100m off the east coast of Florida. The scamp grouper apparently moves inshore when bottom temperature falls below 8.6 °C. Commonly, the scamp is about 30 cm long, which makes it a relatively small member of the groupers, but a specimen has been reported at 107 cm.
The fish’s overall coloration is a deep tan or chocolate brown, with numerous darker markings that form dots, or lines, or groups of lines.

Islands in the Stream: May 10 – October 3, 2001

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