The Garabogazkol - the garabogazkol in the northwest

This MODIS Terra image, acquired June 12, 2006, shows the Garabogazkol (also known asthe Kara-Bogaz-Gol) – a shallow depression in the northwestern corner of Turkmenistan. Separated from the Caspian Sea by a thin sandbar, its water volume fluctuates seasonally. At times it becomes a large bay of the Caspian Sea, while at other times its water level drops drastically.

Also it is separated from the Caspian Sea proper, which lies immediately to the west, by a narrow, rocky ridge. Therefore having a very narrow opening in the rock through which the Caspian waters flow; cascading down into Garabogazköl, leading to the Turkmen language name of the bay, “Mighty Strait Lake”. The water volume of the bay fluctuates seasonally with the Caspian Sea; at times it becomes a large bay of the Caspian Sea, while at other times its water level drops drastically.

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