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Breathing less oxygen could extend your lifespan by 50% or more

For many, the quest for a longer lifespan often comes down to two common practices: eating less and exercising more. However, a team of scientists from Massachusetts General Hospital have proposed an intriguing third method: breathing less oxygen.

In a recent study conducted on mice, the researchers discovered that those kept in environments with lower oxygen levels – equivalent to the atmosphere at the base camp of Mount Everest – lived significantly longer than those in normal environments. 

Specifically, the mice exposed to 11 percent oxygen levels lived 50 percent longer compared to their counterparts in regular, 21 percent oxygen conditions.

How and why might this actually work?

The theory is that less oxygen reduces cellular damage and stimulates cells to clear out and recycle damaged components more efficiently, thereby slowing down the aging process.

The results from this research could be promising for human longevity too, although it’s not yet confirmed if these findings could be replicated in humans. Previous research indicates that people residing at higher altitudes tend to live longer than those at sea level, possibly suggesting a link to lower oxygen concentrations. 

However, living at high altitudes isn’t without drawbacks: it is also associated with risks such as low birth weights and stunted growth, conditions potentially caused by the scarcity of oxygen.

How the study was conducted

In this groundbreaking study – the first to explore oxygen restriction in mice – the researchers used specially-bred rodents that age at an accelerated rate. At four weeks old, the mice were divided into two groups. 

Half of them remained in a typical oxygen-rich environment (21 percent oxygen), while the other half were placed in a chamber where oxygen levels were dropped to 11 percent. Both groups had access to adequate food and water, and the researchers closely monitored them until their natural deaths.

What the researchers found

The study revealed some fascinating findings: mice living in normal oxygen levels had an average lifespan of 15.7 weeks, while those in the restricted-oxygen environment lived for nearly eight weeks longer, reaching an average lifespan of 23.6 weeks. Interestingly, the amount of food consumed by both groups was about the same.

These results align with previous studies involving other organisms, such as yeast, worms, and fruit flies, where reduced oxygen intake was also found to increase lifespan.

However, how humans might be exposed to lower oxygen levels continuously to help extend their lifespan remains unclear. The paper does suggest that spending several hours a day in a low oxygen chamber, or living at higher altitudes could potentially have similar effects.

Whether humans would show the same results is unclear

Dr. Roger Roberts, a pulmonologist and the lead researcher of the study, cautioned against jumping to conclusions, saying, “It is premature to speculate on the implication of these findings for human aging. But there are several interesting clues from epidemiological research that living at high altitude where there is a lower oxygen concentration might increase median lifespan and reduce the burden of age-related diseases.”

The scientists hypothesize that oxygen restriction may slow aging because it triggers a cellular process that leads to the more frequent clearance and recycling of damaged parts. 

They also theorized that less oxygen results in less oxidative stress – the damaging effect of molecules released when oxygen is used for energy, which can harm DNA. Furthermore, the researchers observed a decrease in neurodegeneration and inflammation levels in the body under oxygen restriction.

However, the study has its limitations. First, it was conducted on mice, not humans. Second, it’s suggested that exposure to low oxygen levels might need to start at a young age to induce the observed effects.

“Epidemiological evidence suggests that lifelong oxygen restriction might slow the aging process in humans,” wrote the researchers. “Though there are many potential confounders to this finding, recent cross-sectional studies in Bolivia have demonstrated significant enrichment for nonagenarians and centenarians at very high altitudes. There is also data that suggests there are potential benefits of moving to altitude in adulthood.”

Comparing these results with similar studies

Previous research aligns with these findings, suggesting that high-altitude residents tend to outlive their counterparts at sea level. For instance, a study identified that out of the top 20 counties in the U.S. with the highest life expectancy, 11 for men and 5 for women were located approximately 5,900 feet above sea level.

Experts have also previously proposed that a chronic lack of oxygen may activate cellular pathways that encourage repair of damage, thus reducing age-related decline.

Apart from oxygen restriction, other potential methods to slow the aging process include eating less and exercising adequately. Although primate studies on calorie restriction have yielded inconclusive results, some human studies indicate a potential boost to life expectancy through reduced food consumption. 

Similarly, regular physical activity is linked to numerous health benefits, from improved blood sugar control to a lower risk of many chronic diseases.

However, there’s a catch. Overdoing it with exercise, specifically engaging in more than five hours a week of intense cardiovascular activity without taking at least one rest day per week, may paradoxically shorten lifespan. This is due to the increased risk of joint and heart problems which could lead to premature death.

The innovative study on chronic oxygen restriction in mice, which could provide a bridge towards understanding and potentially extending human longevity, was published in the journal PLOS Biology

The researchers now aim to further examine the link between oxygen restriction and lifespan, possibly extending their studies to other animals. Although these findings are just the beginning and warrant further exploration, they open up fascinating new possibilities in our understanding of aging.

More about the aging process and extending the human lifespan

Slowing the aging process and extending the human lifespan is a complex field of study, involving a wide range of disciplines including biology, genetics, medicine, and even psychology. 

Several strategies have been proposed and researched to extend lifespan and slow the process of aging, although none have been definitively proven to work in humans. Here are some key areas of focus:

Caloric Restriction

It has been observed in many organisms, including yeast, worms, flies, and mice, that a diet low in calories but nutritionally sufficient can extend lifespan. The mechanisms are thought to involve a reduction in metabolic rate and oxidative damage, as well as possible beneficial effects on insulin sensitivity and inflammation. 

Human studies are limited and challenging due to the long lifespan of humans and the difficulty of maintaining a low-calorie diet for extended periods.


Regular physical activity has been linked to a range of health benefits, including better cardiovascular health, improved cognitive function, and reduced risk of many chronic diseases. These factors contribute to a potentially longer, healthier lifespan.


Certain genes and gene variants have been associated with longevity. For example, research has identified genes related to DNA repair, metabolism, and cellular processes like autophagy that seem to be involved in lifespan. However, genetic manipulation to extend human life isn’t currently feasible or ethical.

Pharmaceuticals and Supplements

Several drugs and supplements have shown promise in extending lifespan or healthspan in animal models. These include metformin, a drug typically used for type 2 diabetes that may also have anti-aging properties, and resveratrol, a compound found in red wine that may have beneficial effects on health. However, their effects on human lifespan are not yet proven.

Telomeres and Telomerase

Telomeres are the protective ends of chromosomes that shorten as cells divide. When telomeres become too short, the cell can no longer divide and becomes senescent or dies. 

Telomerase is an enzyme that can lengthen telomeres, and is thought to play a role in cellular aging. While telomere extension is a promising field of research, manipulating these processes in humans is complex and could potentially increase the risk of cancer.

Senescence and Senolytics

Cellular senescence is a state in which cells lose their ability to divide and function properly. Senescent cells accumulate with age and may contribute to aging and age-related diseases. Senolytics are a class of drugs that selectively eliminate these cells, which may help to slow aging and extend healthspan.

Reducing Oxidative Stress

Oxidative stress is thought to play a significant role in aging. It results from an imbalance between the production of reactive oxygen species (free radicals) and the body’s ability to counteract their harmful effects. Antioxidants, either produced by the body or obtained from the diet, can neutralize these free radicals, potentially slowing aging.


This is the concept that mild stress can actually be beneficial for health and longevity. For instance, brief exposure to cold, heat, exercise, or even low levels of toxins might stimulate the body’s adaptive mechanisms and improve health and lifespan.

Healthy Lifestyle Choices

Not smoking, moderate alcohol consumption, a balanced and nutrient-rich diet, stress management, sufficient sleep, and maintaining a healthy body weight are all associated with increased lifespan and reduced risk of chronic diseases.

Despite these promising areas of research, it’s important to note that aging is a complex process influenced by a combination of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. Moreover, the goal of much of this research isn’t just to extend life, but to extend “healthspan” – the number of years a person can live healthily and independently.

Mindfulness and Mental Health

Mental and emotional health play a crucial role in overall health and longevity. Practices like meditation and mindfulness can reduce stress and improve mental health, which may in turn contribute to a longer lifespan. Depression and chronic stress have been associated with accelerated cellular aging, underscoring the importance of mental health in aging.

Intermittent Fasting

This dietary approach involves cycling between periods of eating and fasting. Some research suggests that intermittent fasting could help to extend lifespan by promoting cellular repair processes, improving metabolic health, and reducing risk factors for a variety of diseases.

Gut Microbiome

The trillions of bacteria living in our gut, collectively known as the microbiome, have been found to play a crucial role in many aspects of health, from digestion and metabolism to immunity and mental health. Emerging research suggests a healthy gut microbiome may contribute to healthy aging, although more research is needed to fully understand this complex relationship.

Personalized Medicine

This emerging field involves tailoring medical treatment to an individual’s unique genetic and biochemical makeup. It holds promise for extending healthspan by providing more effective, targeted prevention and treatment strategies for age-related diseases.

Stem Cell Therapy

Stem cells have the unique ability to renew themselves and become any cell type in the body. This potential makes them an exciting area of research in the field of aging, as they could be used to repair or replace damaged tissues and organs. However, much more research is needed to understand their full potential and address the ethical and safety concerns surrounding their use.

CRISPR and Gene Therapy

CRISPR and other gene-editing technologies could potentially be used to alter genes that contribute to aging or age-related diseases. However, these technologies are still in their early stages and their use raises significant ethical and safety questions.

While all of these methods show promise, it’s important to remember that aging is a natural and inevitable part of life. The goal of research in this field is often not just to increase lifespan, but to improve healthspan, the period of life during which a person is generally healthy and free from serious or chronic illness. 

Despite advancements in scientific understanding of aging, maintaining a healthy lifestyle – balanced diet, regular exercise, sufficient sleep, and avoidance of harmful behaviors like smoking and excessive alcohol consumption – remains the most proven approach to living a long and healthy life.


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