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Calm body, calm mind: Surprising revelations about the connection

The notion of the mind-body connection is deeply rooted in various disciplines and philosophies. However, scientists have only recently begun to shed light on this complex association through neuroscientific evidence. 

New research provides a physiological foundation to the adage “calm body, calm mind.” The study, led by researchers from the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and partially funded by the National Science Foundation, uncovers intriguing details about the physical link between the body and mind within the brain’s architecture.

The scientists have uncovered exciting new information about the regions of the brain that orchestrate movement. These parts were found to be intricately connected with networks associated with cognitive functions such as thinking and planning. 

Additionally, they were linked with the regulation of involuntary bodily functions like blood pressure and heart rate. Such an interconnectedness insinuates a direct, physical representation of the body-mind connection within the motor circuits of our brains.

The research, published in the journal Nature, offers potential explanations for some puzzling occurrences. These include the manifestation of anxiety as physical symptoms, such as pacing or “butterflies in the stomach;” the alleviation of depressive symptoms through stimulation of the vagus nerve which oversees internal organ functions; and the improved mental outlook reported by people who exercise regularly.

People who meditate often believe in the power of calming the body, for instance, through controlled breathing, to simultaneously soothe the mind. Despite such practices proving beneficial for individuals battling anxiety and related disorders, scientific validation for their mechanism of action has been lacking.

“We’ve found the place where the highly active, goal-oriented ‘go, go, go’ part of your mind connects to parts of the brain that control breathing and heart rate. If you calm one down, it should have feedback effects on the other,” stated Evan Gordon, the first author of the study. 

This discovery seems to indicate that there is indeed a correlation between calming the body and quieting the mind, solidifying the theoretical foundation of such mindfulness practices.

The original intent of Gordon and study senior author Nico Dosenbach was to validate the pre-existing brain maps of movement control regions using modern brain-imaging techniques. Their research did not inherently aim to answer profound philosophical questions about the relationship between the body and the mind. However, their findings have led to a new understanding of how the motor cortex is organized.

Jonathan Fritz, the NSF program director, expressed his admiration for the research: “This project provides new insights into the brain organization and functional connectivity of the human motor cortex.” 

According to Fritz, the evidence that the brain’s motor circuits are integrated with executive and cognitive function, along with the control of basic bodily processes, affirms that the concepts of body and mind, perception, and action are more intertwined than previously believed.

This emerging revelation has the potential to reshape our perceptions about the mind-body connection and possibly revolutionize therapeutic practices for mental health disorders.

More about the mind-body connection 

The mind-body connection is a term that refers to the interplay between our physical health and our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. This connection is increasingly recognized as a fundamental aspect of overall health and wellness. Here are some elements that help explain the mind-body connection:

Stress and Health

One of the most well-studied aspects of the mind-body connection is the impact of stress on physical health. When we perceive a threat, our bodies release hormones like adrenaline and cortisol that prepare us to either fight the danger or run from it. This is often called the “fight or flight” response. However, when we’re under chronic stress, these hormones can wreak havoc on our bodies, leading to problems like heart disease, diabetes, and mental health disorders.

Mindfulness and Meditation

Practices such as meditation, yoga, and Tai Chi have been found to have various health benefits, suggesting a strong mind-body connection. These practices often involve focusing on the breath, which can help calm the mind and relax the body. Mindfulness, or being fully present in the moment, has been linked to lower levels of stress, anxiety, and depression, and may even improve physical conditions like chronic pain.

Positive Psychology and Health

The field of positive psychology focuses on promoting positive emotions, traits, and institutions. It has found that maintaining a positive outlook and engaging in positive behaviors can benefit physical health. For example, optimism has been linked to a lower risk of heart disease, and expressing gratitude can lead to improved sleep and lower levels of inflammation.

Placebo Effect

The placebo effect is another fascinating aspect of the mind-body connection. This phenomenon occurs when a person experiences an improvement in symptoms after receiving a treatment that is inactive, such as a sugar pill. The belief that the treatment will work can sometimes be enough to trigger real physical changes.


Biofeedback techniques involve learning to control physiological processes that are typically involuntary, such as heart rate or blood pressure, with the help of feedback from specialized machines. This process can be used to manage a wide range of physical and mental health conditions, further illustrating the mind-body connection.


This is a field of study that investigates the interactions between the nervous system and the immune system, and how these interactions are affected by our thoughts and feelings. Research in psychoneuroimmunology has demonstrated that psychological stress can impact immune function, leading to higher susceptibility to infections and slower wound healing.

The mind-body connection suggests that our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and attitudes can positively or negatively affect our biological functioning. Therefore, it’s essential to pay attention not only to our physical health but also to our emotions and mental state. It underscores the importance of a holistic approach to health and wellness that encompasses mind, body, and spirit.


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