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Ocean pollution: Pepsi logo found plastered on lobster’s claw

A Canadian fishing crew caught a lobster off the coast of New Brunswick that is truly one-of-a-kind. The lobster has a Pepsi logo plastered across its claw like a tattoo.

Karissa Lindstrand, the woman that noticed the interesting lobster while it was being loaded in a crate to have its claws banded, drinks Pepsi every day and quickly identified the image.

There is no telling how the image got there, and some are speculating that the lobster must have grown inside of a Pepsi can. But Lindstrand claims that the picture was pixelated, which means it likely did not originate from a can.

Lindstrand told the Globe and Mail, “It looked like the image was tattooed on the lobster claw. I’ve just seen deformed claws. I’ve never seen anything like this before with the image of a Pepsi symbol.”

Lindstrand explained that the image was not paper but could be scraped off.

“I’m still trying to wrap my brain around what exactly it was,” she said. “I just happened to notice a blue picture, and got looking at it closer and it was a Pepsi can.”

The discovery comes at a time when a growing collection of evidence suggests that the pollution in Earth’s oceans is expanding out of control. Researchers are now estimating that between five and 13 millions tons of plastic is being dumped into the ocean every year.

Matthew Abbott is a marine coordinator with the Conservation Council of New Brunswick. He suggested that the lobster claw delivers an important message.

“What it really tells us is the prevalence of marine debris in our coastal waters,” said Abbott. “This is a case where the lobster not necessarily has been hurt by it, but it shows that even in the relatively deep waters off Grand Manan there’s garbage down there.”

By Chrissy Sexton, Staff Writer

Image Credit: Karissa Lindstrand

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